Make a bold statement with this stunning bouquet of red roses and golden ruscus leaves. The vibrant red roses symbolize love, passion, and respect, while the golden ruscus leaves add a touch of luxury and elegance. The bouquet is expertly wrapped with sleek black paper, creating a captivating contrast that will leave a lasting impression.
Eternal Love
PriceFrom $99.00
- Please note that if any items is unavailable due to seasonal or stock availability, it will be substituted with a similar item of higher value. We ensure to keep the general look and feel of the arrangement and pay special attention to the details.
- As flowers are a natural product, please allow room for variations in size, colour tone, colour shade and texture.
- All the props are for decoration purpose and not included in the price of floral arrangements.
We have 3 different time slots for Standard Delivery:
- Morning: 10am to 1pm
- Afternoon: 2pm to 6pm
- Evening: 7pm to 10pm
Upon checkout, customers have to choose their preferred time slot. Kindly type in “Morning”/”Afternoon”/”Evening” in the note of check-out page.
We also offer Self Collection and Specific Time Delivery. Please check our Delivery page for more information.